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In this age of digital video a lot of old motion picture fim is still lying around, neglected, forgotten, and literally fading away. The dyes used in a lot of the color prints (other than IB Technicolor or Kodachrome) fade with time usually turning toward magenta or "pink" until the print density and color is all but gone. Major movie studios have gradually begun to recognize the value of their old titles and attempted to preserve or restore them but the many thousands of obscure independent shorts are in danger of being lost forever. Some are literally lost (misplaced) or deliberately destroyed due to the cost of storage, and many are so scarce they may never be seen again. In some cases this is a good thing, but there are a lot of little gems that deserve an audience today. This page is an attempt to do my part in preservation by sharing digitally a few bits from my collection, mostly relating to the musical leanings of this site. Films will be added or upgraded as I have time. Enjoy!

The Projection Booth

The first offering in the Projection Booth:

An obscure "educational" short subject from 1972 called "The Pretty Lady and the Electronic Musicians".

To Watch it in a new window just click on the title card at left. The Running time is about 13 minutes.


© 2015 Rob Jacobs